Don't post till you check your spelling. I know it might be difficult but why look like someone with a second grade education when you know you can do better. I think most just post and never look back to read what they have written first. Maybe you look after you post and think "oh no" did I really do that? Most miss-spelled words are just that, the person couldn't spell it, some are just silly as in the word wallpapers or problem, those look like someone who is frustrated but I think just re-reading your work is a must before you post. No one here might say anything but we do think it. There is no spell check for the posts here and I have been at other sites that have them and people seem to think they are too smart to use them.
I would say to that, so sorry but your post didn't make the cut because you didn't spell check. Here there isn't that option so you must proof read your post first and if you are not sure of the spelling please look up the word first to make sure you look like someone took a little time to read before you post. I do this for my own sanity. I try very hard to make sure I at least try to spell it right before I post. I might not be the brightest bulb in the box but I don't want to look like the broken bulb either. Please just check before you post and save the people here from looking at these mistakes and try to use "Caps" where needed. Couldn't hurt. Thanks from someone who goes crazy when she views posts like this.