Just some of the things I need to get off my chest.
Things to consider before you post.
Published on January 28, 2008 By mschleisner In Community
Don't post till you check your spelling. I know it might be difficult but why look like someone with a second grade education when you know you can do better. I think most just post and never look back to read what they have written first. Maybe you look after you post and think "oh no" did I really do that? Most miss-spelled words are just that, the person couldn't spell it, some are just silly as in the word wallpapers or problem, those look like someone who is frustrated but I think just re-reading your work is a must before you post. No one here might say anything but we do think it. There is no spell check for the posts here and I have been at other sites that have them and people seem to think they are too smart to use them.  I would say to that, so sorry but your post didn't make the cut because you didn't spell check. Here there isn't that option so you must proof read your post first and if you are not sure of the spelling please look up the word first to make sure you look like someone took a little time to read before you post. I do this for my own sanity. I try very hard to make sure I at least try to spell it right before I post. I might not be the brightest bulb in the box but I don't want to look like the broken bulb either. Please just check before you post and save the people here from looking at these mistakes and try to use "Caps" where needed. Couldn't hurt. Thanks from someone who goes crazy when she views posts like this. 
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 28, 2008
Thanks ALMonty for the ieSpell tip. Downloaded it and using it now. Looked in the 'Options' panel and there are quite a few language options but I'm afraid Zubish is a 'no show'  
on Jan 28, 2008
I never proofread or edit. Thaqt shows a lack of confidence in oneself.
I also do crossword puzzels and suduko in ink. And when my kids misbehave I don't beat them.

That's jsu tteh kind of guy I am. If you don't liek it you can lump it.

Side note for those who missed it (and again sorry about that Zu ) :

Zubish's meaning: Zub[az] + [engl]ish =Zubish

We have already two masters of Zubish here: One is Master Pizza
on Jan 28, 2008
So basically you can make up your own words,but if someone else misspells something they appear to be undeducated? OK.     
on Jan 28, 2008
Umm, welll, it's ah... not miss-spelling that one's spelled misspelling. And, well your post could use a little punctuation and paragraphing. But, who am I to talk. Ahh.. perfection, will we ever attain it? lol later.
on Jan 28, 2008
lol shouldn't that be BigDog[Comma]BigFeet     
on Jan 28, 2008
One is Master Pizza

You rang ?? hehe

on Jan 28, 2008
If you run a search in IE it will give you a choice of spellings. But really, lets not get carried away here. We are speaking about simple checks to make sure you are trying. Maybe someone isn't "uneducated" when they misspell, but maybe they just get frustrated so they don't look. I guess it isn't important at all, right? Should we just turn the world into a bunch of people who don't spell anything and just speak and write like we text others? That is getting way out of hand. Kids in school now write like they are texting. I have a great friend who is a teacher and she is having a terrible time with students who write papers with spelling they use for text messages. See this is a problem. I know what the issue is but don't know how to let everyone know that people are now becoming less concerned about how they write anything. Is it that it has become less important in our country? Can this be done with other languages?
on Jan 28, 2008
Is it that it has become less important in our country?

I don't think it's really that big of an issue, especially not one to get your panties (by that I don't mean you specifically mschleisner) in a bunch about. There are a lot of things in this world to worry about that are much more important than spelling. It's not like we're writing our senior papers here, it's just forum posting...my two SENTS.
on Jan 28, 2008

Aviod huge blocks of text too.  It makes stuff really hard to read.    

Didn't seem to help much. *cough*

And yes that's a big pet peeve of mine too. 90% of the time I won't even bother reading it unless it's broken down into comprehensible blocks. "Paragraphs, use paragraphs," isn't that what they taught us in school?  Otherwise it's just like a run-on sentence, a bunch of gibberish all smashed together that may have nothing at all to do with anything.

Wish this wysiwyg editor used spellcheck.
on Jan 28, 2008
i can't really see what the big deal is, so a few people misspell some words. Who cares!
because the human brain reads words as a whole and not the individual letters, as long as the first and last letters are correct the brain will usually work out the word with no problems. No offense but to post a thread asking people to spell check is a waste of space IMO.
on Jan 28, 2008
Should we just turn the world into a bunch of people who don't spell anything and just speak and write like we text others?
Why not? Language evolves.  If those that use that method of communication succeed in communicating, all is well.  And when they use that method to communicate with me they are likely to fail . . in which case they will not achieve any goals that relate to me.  Then they have the choice to modify their means of communication.

That being said . . if I need to communicate with a texter to achieve MY goals . . it behooves me to avoid usign words like "behoove" and migrate to "cn u hlp l8r"

I have a great friend who is a teacher and she is having a terrible time with students who write papers with spelling they use for text messages.
That is as much her problem as the children.  You can't teach if you can't communicate.  Teaching proper time and place may do more good that enforcement of archaic standards.  I would say that texters often use a simpler set of rules that make more sense than things like "two" "too" and "to" and "through""tough" and "trough".
Is it that it has become less important in our country?
I recall my sister being encouraged to use any spelling she wanted so that the rules didn't get in teh way of her creativity. . . . And that was at least a decade ago.
Can this be done with other languages?
All but French I think.  They are pretty picky about their language.  need to ask Quentin to be sure though.
on Jan 28, 2008
Mmm . . a post about bunched panties followed by a Bebi post . .my night is complete!      

As an aside . . a poster that uses SMS, text-style language wouldn't be helped by proof-reading or spell check . . it would read normally and the "wrong" words would be added to the custom dictionary . . like I do with "stardock" "Windowblinds" adn "DesktopX" 
on Jan 28, 2008
I use Firefox. Every time I misspell a word it underlines it in red. I'm not using any special extensions.

Oh and it's spelled aluminum...
on Jan 28, 2008
I share some of the sentiment of what you are saying mschleisner,
I love this language and studied it to degree level but surely though it's down to parents and teachers to educate the kids as to what is sms/text lingo and what is English language and explain to them that if they complete their degree coursework in sms/text lingo they will end up working at the golden arches.  
As for spellink on forums,pah.    
Hail Buzaz   

WWW Link
on Jan 28, 2008
lol shouldn't that be BigDog[Comma]BigFeet

Sorry it's my nick. BDBF no comma. Or is that booby-hundreds? oops, I meant bobby.
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